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High Altitude Long Endurance

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Institut Teknologi Bandung

Research & Development Team

Anchor 1

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle research conducted by  Institut Teknologi Bandung since 2017. The research continued and funded with two billion Rupiahs by LPDP from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019 and will continue 3 years next.

The detail of activities done can be seen on Website dan Video Profile.

Video Profile:



Indonesia, as one of the countries that are very rich in natural resources on land and in oceans, is an archipelago that has more than 17,000 islands separated by waters that have enormous development potential but will also face threats such as natural disasters, the threat of terror, and cyber. Technology is needed to make it easier for humans to develop natural resource potentials and face threats such as mapping, surveillance and guarding of areas, reconnaissance, disaster mitigation, terrorism movements, and cyber attacks.


This technology has enormous potential in protecting Indonesia's sovereignty and economic development. The main mission of this drone is to conduct surveillance in the Indonesian border area. However, additional missions can be assigned to these drones such as surveillance of Indonesian territorial waters, monitoring of natural resources, and search for SAR. With the capabilities and potential of this drone, the HALE UAV is something that Indonesia can develop for the sake of national sovereignty.

My Role

Team Manager 2020

Managing the research team for a long-term project that developing HALE UAV to commercialized in 2022. Team members are the academic community from multidisciplinary sciences in ITB consist of students and advisors.



- Developed a new design and analysis for ITB HALE UAV, efficient in aerodynamics, structure, and control system.

- Manufactured the prototype of the design.

- Flight test of the prototype 1:5 and 1:1.

- Wind tunnel test for the 1:10 design model.

- Static structural test for the 1:1 design model.

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