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Aksantara UAV Research Team Institut Teknologi Bandung

Aksantara is an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) research and development unit from Bandung Institute of Technology. Aksantara diligently competes in national & international competitions; and also write papers in the same field.

The detailed activities can be seen on the website.




Formed on May 7, 2013 as a competition team to participate at Kontes Robot Terbang Indonesia (KRTI) 2013 organized by Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemenristekdikti) Republik Indonesia. Aksantara consists of undergraduate & graduate students in ITB.

The name Aksantara is a fusion word from Sanskrit Aksan (Aakash and Aksa) which means the eyes of the sky and Tara (Nusa and Tara) which means islands. So that the Aksantara means eyes of the nusantara’s sky and also means a strong guardian of the nusantara’s sky (Guardian of The Sky).

The logo has a philosophy that the two wings are meant the wings of Aksantara’s UAV. The wings shape itself inspired from the wide ears of an elephant–the symbol of ITB. In addition, brown elephant ivory was added below the wings to give a strong and firm impression as the meaning of ‘Aksantara’ itself, guardian of the sky.

My Role

Head of Aksantara



- Increased workplan of the organization

- Improved the management system of the

- Achieve more awards on the joined
  competitions than the previous year.

Foto Bersama_210202.jpg

Team Leader for Racing Plane Division



- Succeed creating an efficient team

- Best UAV Design in Aksantara 2018

- Succeed developing more efficient UAV than
  the previous year

UAV Design Engineer

2017 - 2019


- Youngest in UAV Design Engineer team

- Succeed optimizing UAV design from the
  previous year

- System Complexity Awardee in KRTI 2017

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